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The information for this application came from an API provided by


  1. Bar graph can dynamically be rendered to show a fish's calories and the health of a species population by the bar color
  2. An example graph can be viewed by clicking on the Fish Graph button
  3. The maximum fish you can add to a graph is 20 for desktop, 10 for tablets, and 5 for mobile users
  4. To create a graph you need to add a fish. You can find a fish by scrolling through the fish tiles or narrow it down with the search bar
  5. Next click on the image, which will take you to a details page for that fish
  6. Click the "Add Fish to Graph" button
  7. From the same position you can deselect a fish from appearing on the graph by clicking on the remove fish from graph button
  8. To reset the graph you can reload the page